Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trial Class - Play & Learn @ Gymboree

Did manage to take photo during class but this is how AC look on their way home after the trial class.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Monday, October 25, 2010

Gymboree Playgym

Mummy took up Gymboree's family annual membership and brought us to try out the playgym today. We enjoyed ourselves very much and was tired out after the play session.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our First Step

Aloysius & Charlotte stood up on their own and took their official first "walk" today.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Recently, I realized that Charlotte can very much play on her own while we do our own stuff. Just the other day, I left her in the living room on her own reading her favorite books. When i peep, she was reading to herself happily. Is this a sign that she's ready for school?

Aloysius insisted that he should feed himself when I was feeding him today. Maybe that's another sign?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baby Language

Charlotte had been blabbering continuously. We have more than once tried our best to understand her baby language and at times manage to catch a few words. Listen hard to try figure what our girl have to say.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sporty Sunday

Everyone joined us for a swim on Sunday morning. 舅舅,舅母,Elton哥哥,Elzann姐姐,阿公 & 阿嫲. See how we enjoyed ourselves.
After "exercising", we pig out at Sukura Buffet.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Enrichment Classes

Time flies, A&C are fast approaching 17 months. While most children their age had already attended numerous enrichment classes, we intentionally held back sending them to any. However, we decided lately that we should let them try out some enrichment classes. Hence, thieir first trial enrichment class with Baby Jumper Gym.

They both enjoyed the Flash Card & Music session. Girlgirl enjoyed the gym session more than Boyboy. Maybe because Boyboy was sleepy toward the end of the session.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Routine Check-up

We went for A&C routine check up today. A&C had their vaccines done. Each took 2 jabs.

Aloysius went first. Before the first injection,
Mummy: Aloysius, you are a brave little boy. It's going to be just like an ant's bite so don't cry ok.
Aloysius looks at me.
Nurse: Boy, here we go.
Tears well up in his eyes but he really didn't cry.
Mummy: Good boy. (Kiss on forehead) Now another BIG ant's going to bite.
Nurse: Mummy, hold him tight, this one he surely will cry.
After the 2nd injection, Aloysius pout but no crying just red teary eye. Mummy give another kids.
Once we walk out from the room, he cry out real hard.
All of us were amazed, he really understands...

Then came Charlotte. Mummy didn't have any chance to talk because she started crying before the injection was done. Nevertheless. well done my darlings!

After we are done with the injection, we went to visit our Angels but they are all so busy. So only gets to take photo with Liza Ka ka. See, Charlotte was so facsinated by her name tag because there were Pooh sticker on it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Visiting Dentist for the 1st Time

Remember some time ago I blogged that Aloysius' tooth fairy came early. So today, we brought him to see the dentist. I had expected that it will be difficult to hold him down for the dentist to check him but surprisingly, he behave exceptionally good. Even the dentist complimented that she rarely have such well-behaved patient not to mention at such tender age.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yummy Yummy Fries

French Fries are "No No" food because they are heaty, fattening, etcs BUT we simply love it to the bits!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Congratulating Angela 姨姨

It's Angela 姨姨's BIG day!
Congratulations from all of us!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The 3 Kids

Mummy always says she had 3 Kids. Here they are!
Carlsberg, Aloysius & Charlotte...
Kids and Furkid definately are good friends.
A pity Carlsberg couldn't join us at the library...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Delicious Ice-Cream Cone

Since long long time ago (can't recall since when), Mummy had been reading this Barney book to us. In one of the pages, it reads "Baby Bop licks a cold ice-cream cone!" BUT what is ice-cream cone, mummy?

On this fine day, Mummy decides to re-inforce what she had already read to us. Ta-da! We get to taste the Ice-Cream Cone like Baby Bop.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday Family Day

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday Outing

Boring Saturday. Mummy was contemplating to bring the little twinstars to Gymboree for a playgym session but decided against it due to some last minute situation. Nevertheless, Mummy dressed us up to meet 阿公 & 阿嬷 for a sumptuous seafood dinner.