Wednesday, February 29, 2012

BbA @ 4 months old

Time flies, BbA had grown from a baby who spend the entire day sleeping and feeding to a curious baby.

Here's BbA trying to fight the Zzz monster... Photo are taken within interval of 5 seconds at most.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Discipline at 33 month

A&C are at the age where tantrums are getting inevitable. Hence, we sometimes need to discipline them. We use the time out method and put them at naughty corners. So far, seems to work fairly well.

At Changi Airport, before and after discipline.

We believe in ensuring that the kids understand what they have done wrong and we still love them no matter what happens.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mummy will be back to work

Today will be the last day of my maternity leave. Knowing that I am going to miss spending time with all my kids, we brought twinies out this afternoon. Guess it's going to be a while before I can spend weekday afternoon with them. So much for the woes of working mothers. Nevertheless, we enjoy ourselves this afternoon.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Twins Bedtime Routine

Every night before going to bed, this is our standard routine.

M: Good night, Aloysius/Charlotte
T: Good night Mummy
M: Sleep tight, Aloysius/Charlotte
T: Sleep tight Mummy
M: Sweet Dream, Aloysius/Charlotte
T: Sweet Dream Mummy
M: See you tomorrow, Aloysius/Charlotte
T: See you tomorrow Mummy

Followed by big hug and kisses!

* M stand for mummy, T stand for Twins

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I wanna drive too

Aloysius had been trying to get into the driver's seat whenever we travel in the car. Hence, Daddy came out with the idea to make him "co-driver".

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sharing is Caring

I saw a heartwarming scene at dinner. Really melt my heart. Aloysius and Charlotte was feeding each other rice crackers, then Charlotte suddenly leans over on Aloysius and say "I love you", followed by a 100% sweet smile. Aloysius responds with a big hug and a "I love you too!"

Drinking together

We love swimming!

Mummy is returning to work soon. We seize every opportunity to spend time with her. So, mummy pick us up from school earlier than usual and zoom to the swimming pool.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

It's Aurelius first V-day and his first overseas trip. (to somewhere near. JB!)

We spend the day at JPO (Johor Premium Outlet) followed by KSL shopping centre.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Passport Collection

Aurelius gotten his first passport! Look at his photo...

Monday, February 13, 2012


See how messy our dear boy gets! And the motorcycles display he makes!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Double A - Brotherly Love

Elder A requested to carry younger A.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Charlotte's Swimming Pool

Charlotte brought this drawing home and told us : This is swimming pool!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Growing up

Aurelius can no longer fit into his bath basin. So we have upsized!


姑姑's family is back from China. So we met them for dinner. See how we enjoy ourselves with our 表哥s.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Attending 舅舅's Wedding


While 哥哥 & 姐姐 were at school, Daddy & Mummy brought Aurelius to Singapore Expo's The Moving Masterpiece : The Song Dynasty as Living Art.


Raising kids is sure no easy job. Coping with 3 kids can be overwhelming at times.

I've been struggling with night feeding especially recently due to Aurelius being sick. Daddy had suggested the pacifier several times but Mummy is not willing to give in yet. Hanging on...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Being a Mummy...

... is such a strange thing. You
1) complain of being sleep deprived.
2) missed many gatherings that you used to faithfully attend.
3) miss the carefree couple time you used to enjoy with your hubby.
4) can't have all your me time
5) the list goes on...

And yet when your little one smiles at you, kiss u and say "mummy, I love u", everything just seem all worth it!

Still sick.

All the kiddos in the house are sick. Even Auntie Tessie, daddy and myself are sick. Tough time. Aloysius and Charlotte are still very much the playful self. However, little Aurelius is not coping that well. He doesn't sleep well and wants to be comforted with cuddle all day long. Getting more and more like koala bear. He is also crying a lot which breaks our heart.

Get well soon, my 3 darlings!