Monday, April 30, 2012

Daddy - Bay the Builder

The twins are turning 3. So it's high time we shift them from their cot/playpen to bed.

To show his love for the twins, Daddy decides to build their very first bed. Hence, where else but IKEA.

The twins are excited about their new bed surely!

Solo time with Daddy & Mummy again

Sunday, April 29, 2012

In his bumbo seat

BbA now have a new angle of looking at his surrounding. Sitting up on his own. And he love it!

Friday, April 27, 2012

35 month old

Aloysius is 35 month old today and Charlotte tomorrow. They will be turning 3 next months. Oh my, how time flies!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Busy Saturday

Saturday are usually a leisure day when we will laze around with little activities here and here. However, today's an exception. Our programs are pack back to back.

In the morning, I need to return to my office to do some work. C tagged along. I am pleased that she will able to conduct herself well while I was busy with my work.

After work, I brought C for a long overdue haircut. Then I rushed home to pack all 3 kids off to daddy's office for a commercial ad shooting.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Conversation with Aloysius

Incident 1
M: Boy, what's your name?
A: Aloysius.
M: Aloysius ______?
A: Aloysius BAY
M: How old are you, Aloysius?
A: 1 year old *give cheeky look*
M: Are you sure you are only 1 year old?
A: YES! *trying to act confident*
M: Ok. Why are you getting younger! When your friends hear this, they are going to laugh at you because Aloysius can't tell his own age.
*thinking seriously with a frown*
A: I am 3 years old.
M: Ok, that's right.
A: What will my friends say? Aloysius' clever boy!
*flashes a big smile after answering his own question*

Incident 2
Mummy is leaving home for work.
M: Bye Aloysius, c'ya.
A: Mummy said "c'ya" (Aloysius looking super concerned)
M: Ok, mummy should say "see you later"
A: See you tonight, mummy!

Side note:
At almost 3 years old, the twins' ability and attempt to hold conversation many times amazes and surprises me. I always look forward to communicating with them.