Sunday, September 30, 2012

Conversation between A & C

A & C have ample conversations between themselves. I happened to overhear one today.

(Goldilock & The 3 little bears)
A: I am papa bear.
C: Yes, you are papa bear. Didi is baby bear.
A: Then you are mama bear.
C: No.
A: Yes, you are.
C: No, I'm not. I'm Goldilock.

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That's the baby name that mummy have for little Aurelius. He's now 11 months plus and have started to crawl. He is also able to cruise around with support. Time flies. In less than a month's time, my Da-do-di will be one year old!

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fun Fun Saturday

Weekends are always precious for working mothers like myself. Hence, Saturdays are always packed with funs as much as possible. (Provided daddy & mummy are not working)

Activities are usually scheduled in the morning as we usually goes for a swim in the late afternoon. The weather was prefect for swimming this afternoon. So all of us including Aurelius went for a long swim. Too bad, we forgot our camera to capture our dip in the pool.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

It's daddy's birthday today. We have a mini birthday celebratIon at home after daddy & mummy are back from work.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Aloysius @ almost 40 months

Conversing with Aloysius recently is lots of fun. He never fails to set me thinking with his multiple "whys" and Aloysius' philosophy.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012


搬出冰淇淋! 大家就乖乖排排坐了.
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排排坐 on the way to 阿公家

Aloysius is upgraded to booster seat while Charlotte moved to Aloysius' seat. Aurelius took over Charlotte's. All 3 musketeers buckle up in case Uncle TP (traffic police) comes along.
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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Charlotte's 1st Ballet Class

Charlotte went for her 1st ballet class today. She was so excited for her class and kept reminding us to send her for the class since morning. As parents were not allowed into the dance studio, I could only take photo of her from a distance. Can you spot Charlotte?

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Aurelius' Sleeping Habit

For the past 3 nights, Aurelius refuses to sleep in his own cots and insist to sleep with us. Otherwise he will cry real loud for long period. So we gave in. I hope we can lure him back to his own cot soon.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Aurelius' Solo Time

It's Aurelius' turn to spend some quality solo time with Daddy & Mummy. Off we went to JB for some 买东西 & 吃东西.

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Finally Asleep

I have no idea what happened but for the past few night Aurelius had been giving me real hard time at night. He refuses to sleep in his cot and wakes up crying inconsolably the moment I put him in. He ends up co-sleeping with us on our bed but I can't sleep well as I worry either me or Daddy crashing him.

Tonight after many repeated tries, I finally successfully place him in his own cot but not without my pillow!

Please sleep tight and be good. Mummy need her sleep badly.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

New Hairstyle

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Trial Classes Saturday

Mummy arranged 2 trial classes for A&C today. We had swimming classes in the morning and ballet class in the afternoon. The swimming instructor felt the twins are not ready for formal swimming lesson and hence we will hold that back for a while.

In the afternoon, we went for the ballet class. C enjoys the class but A refuses to join the class at all. (See the differences between boys n girls) So, we signed C up for the class on the spot.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Big Boy & Big Girl

The twins look so grown up in these photos. Don't you think so?

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Our Sleeping Princess

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Happy Monday

Mummy n Daddy are at home today as C had a follow review for her allergy reaction n BbA has his routine check-up.

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Elton 哥哥 come visiting

We were at 阿公' s company event. When we were about to go home, Aloysius went up to Elton 哥哥  and ask "do you want to come to my home?" So 哥哥 came home with us. The kids had an enjoyable time!

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

The 3 Musketeers

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Happy Teacher's Day

We celebrated teacher's day with our teachers in JPC, followed by visiting our teachers in our ex-centre. Too bad they are having HFMD outbreak. Hence, we couldn't go into the centre to take pictures with the teachers.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Time Difference

Just realised that the time zone of the blog had not been set correctly since the start of the blog. I have change it to the correct time zone but all the previous blog entries timing are incorrect. Hence, there may be some difference for all the previous entries. For all readers to note.

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The Many Sleeping Looks of Aurelius

Every night when I look at Aurelius, I can't help but take pictures of him. Here's some of them.
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Monday, September 3, 2012


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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Loves of his life?

Daddy said we are the loves of his life. Mummy smiles.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

The love between Father & Son

Daddy had always been the disciplinary figure in the kiddos life. Nevertheless, the love and bond is naturally so strong that nothing will affect the closeness of Father and Child.
Aloysius cuddles up with daddy and soon fell asleep in daddy's arm.
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